Seminar: Rare earth zirconates: the interplay of structure and properties towards thermal barrier coatings
The progress in the energy efficiency of modern gas turbine enginesand their durability is well known to rely on further improvements inthermal barrier coatings (TBCs). Hence, the design of new materialsfor TBCs, the optimization of their rather complex structure/microstructureand the development of new efficient, inexpensive and environmentally friendly techniques for their deposition, are now among the most important tasks in materials research. In this presentation, the current results of research which aim to improve the properties of TBCs are presented.In this regard, early stage results of successfully synthesized rare-earth zirconates (Ln2Zr2O7) and the in-depth physicochemical characterization of these materials, are presented.
Speaker: Ing. Melita Menelaou, Ph.D.
When: 20. 11. 2018, 13:30
Where: Seminar room S2.02, building S, CEITEC BUT, Purkynova 123